08.04.2010 22:51

Debata o vztazích zemí Západu k současnému režimu v Íránu


Association for International Affairs, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, and Oxford and

Cambridge Alumni Society would like to invite you for the Cambridge Union

style discussion:


Is the West doing its utmost to prevent

Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons?

Wednesday, April 14, 6pm - 8pm

Faculty of Social Science, Charles University

Opletalova 26, Praha 1


Working Language: English

The latest Iranian presidential elections brought back to the seat Mr. Ahmadinejad, yet subsequent challenges to their legitimacy have caused a significant domestic crisis. The protest movement became mobilized and it is disputing not only the election but the Islamic regime as such. The regime is trying to crackdown the voice of the protest movement by using arbitrary detention of Iranian citizens, among them oppositional political activists, intellectuals, civil society leaders, students and journalists. Yet, as the regime is using harsh force against the opposition, flaws are appearing amongst the ruling elite. The different interest groups are competing amongst themselves and combined with the continuing protests on the streets of Iranian cities, the Islamic regime is facing today a serious challenge to its legitimacy. Notwithstanding its domestic instability, Iran continues to play a significant role in the region of the Middle East. The central pillars of its foreign policy remain to be a nuclear program and the support for various radical groups accompanied with the open resentment vis-à-vis Israel. The international community, led by the United States, still prefers diplomatic negotiations, yet at the same time does not rule out strict sanctions and the use of force.

The Cambridge Union style debate:

The Cambridge Union style debate was invented by the Cambridge Union, a student debating society that was founded in 1815. Despite being formally independent on the university, the Union has since established itself as internal and indispensable part of the student life at Cambridge University. This particular style of debate provides for the topics at hand, which tend to be serious and very often controversial, to be discussed in very seemly yet dramatic and attractive fashion. Moreover, the members of the audience are not merely passive spectators but they are at liberty to take part in the debate at practically any time.

The Cambridge Union style debate divides the audience (the “house“) into two groups each of which is represented by a maximum of four speakers. One side stands for the proposition and argues for the motion submitted to debate while the other represents the opposition. The speakers for both sides alternate in delivering their speeches that last for a maximum of seven minutes. The first representative of the proposition is given the word first followed by the first speaker on behalfof the opposition and so on. When all the speakers have delivered their speeches a chosen representative of each side sums their side’s arguments in a final uninterrupted speech. Throughout the speeches, with the exception of the first and last minute, the audience, or the opposition, is free to interrupt and ask the speaker questions. Once the speech is over, there will be more time for additional comments and questions.

Confirmed speakers are:

Hossein Aryan, Journalist, Radio Farda (Prague)

Marc Berthold, Head of the Foreign and Security Policy Department, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Berlin)

Patrick Clawson, Deputy Director for Research, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (Washington D.C.)

Meir Litvak, Researcher, Center for Iranian Studies at the Tel Aviv University (Israel)

Mazyar Mokfi, Journalist, Radio Farda (Prague)

Fred Petrossians, Online Editor in Chief, Radio Farda (Prague)

Massoumeh Torfeh, Researcher, School of Oriental and African Studies (London)

Özlem Tür, Assistant Professor, Middle East Technical University, (Ankara)


R.S.V.P. registrace.iran@amo.cz









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